Saturday, June 21, 2014

Bangladesh is just a crazy country. It's ridiculous.  I mean- you spend all this time here and you still are constantly being surprised and still trying to figure things out.
A few weeks back mom and dad were walking on this hill nearby.  There was a big group of guys at the top and dad asked them what was going on.  They told dad that 4 guys had dragged a girl off into the jungle and they were looking for them.  But, they were too afraid to go into the jungle I guess.  They even tried to stop dad when he went looking for her, telling him how dangerous it was.  Finally, Mom told one of the guys, "My husband must do what is right.  He must go to bed tonight and know he tried to help that girl.  He must know that he did what is right before God."  Which, I guess he understood.  But, nobody seemed too concerned or really upset about it... the whole thing was just strange!  And just shocking that they wouldn't help that girl. Even when we told people about what happened they say, "Oh yes.. very bad men.."  But, it's like it's not ... abnormal...  It is bizarre.
Last night, mom and I were walking on that same hill and we passed a woman dressed in a sari walking up the hill.  There were a few guys there.  As soon as she walked past us one guys said something and they all jumped up and started following her.  So mom stopped and was like, "Didn't that seem weird?  We should make sure she''s okay."  So we stood there and watched for awhile.  The woman walked of onto this dark path into the jungle.  2 guys saw us watching so they stopped and watched us.  Then mom and I walked back up towards the path where the woman went and stood there looking.  The other two guys came and stood right behind us.  Then they walked a little ways away.  Finally mom said, "We need to just walk back there a little ways to make sure she's okay."  As soon as we stepped onto the path those 2 guys came running up right behind us.  So we walk into the jungle a little ways.  It's totally dark and all we have is mom's phone to see.  There are two or three guys- we couldn't see what was happening really but as soon as they saw us they all stood up and started going, "Oh sorry! sorry!"  Mom asks where the woman was... they told us that she was right there.  So mom starts asking is she's okay.  Those two guys are standing right behind us still.  Finally she walks into the light a little bit and mom asks her if she's alright.  She says that she was.  All of the sudden mom just turns around and starts walking out of the jungle.. and she turns around and says, "Caley!  I think that was a man!"
Shockingly enough, that's not the first cross dresser we've seen and the entire situation was extremely bizarre!  Standing in a dark jungle with 5 or 6 guys and... I don't know.. apparently a prostitute of some sort, she didn't seem to want any help anyways..
That's Bangladesh for you. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

"I have held many things in my hands,
and lost them all;
But whatever I have placed in God's hands,
that I still possess."
~Martin Luther

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

We leave Bangladesh 1 month from now.  That's crazy.  I have been thinking a lot about making this last month really count.  It's easy to slip into the "I'm so ready to get out of here!" mind set, but I want to really invest myself here for this last month.  Which is actually a lot harder than what I thought it would be! haha...  At this point it's challenging to make myself do anything. I think we're all just so tired- on so many levels.  To make yourself go somewhere even though it's hot and you'll be drenched in sweat, to make a dinner even though it's a stupid amount of work and (again) you'll be drenched in sweat, to make yourself take the boys with you somewhere even though they are going to be a hassle, to play go fish or match with Isaac for the hundredth time, to make yourself visit with people even though you (still) barely understand them, to go shopping because well, you're gonna have to eat, to make yourself be kind even though you're stressed and annoyed, to finish the Bangla book even though it's boring and repetitive, putting yourself out or allowing yourself to be inconvenienced for others ....  It seems like small things, but at this point... they seem huge and challenging!  Especially when you feel just so... done.
Us girls have a Bible study once a week together.  It usually ends up being a discussion about the week and areas we have struggled in.  Tonight we talked about finishing well and looking to God for strength for the next month- it was timely and encouraging because it's easy to just grit your teeth and get through it- it's much more difficult to actually do well. ;)
So, that being said, I am so, so thankful that my family will get a break and a chance to regroup/refocus in the states.  I think it's going to be so good for everybody.  A chance to sort of process through things and get refreshed.
 I was also pretty excited because I was able to get my iPod fixed last week.  I was a little reluctant to get too excited about it cause... it IS Bangladesh.  But everything seemed to be going well.  So they give it back to me and the camera doesn't work.  No big deal.  Then I put some headphones in it and the headphone jack doesn't work.  That IS  a big deal. So we took it back and they said it wasn't their fault... likely. :-/  So I opted to buy a blue tooth headset/headphone which ended up barely working unless I am perfectly still.  Annoying!  And, so far I haven't been able to get it to pick up WI-FI anywhere... so yeah.  That's a great illustration of how Bangladesh is for you. So frustrating!  So now I basically have an expensive clock/ alarm clock/timer/flash light with a few books on it and a game. haha... oh well.  At least I'll have something to do on the trip back at home. ;)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

We've had a crazy week.  Seems like now that we know we are going home there is a lot to think through and process.  It's definitely a big shift in all of our thinking.  Thinking about traveling and packing and things left to do here and buying gifts for people and all that... it's a lot.
It's all pretty strange.  It's suddenly sad to realize that this will be the last month or so I have with people.  So basically, I'm just trying to take advantage of that.
On the other hand, I am so excited about being back in the States.  I keep thinking of all the things I have really missed, but I've gotten used to living without them.  Now all of the sudden I'm like, "Milk in a jug!"  "Hot showers!"  "Doing dishes in a sink!" haha... it's all the most random stuff. ;)
I also feel a little nervous... Bangladesh- the experience of being here.. living here.  It is so hard to communicate to people.  I think we just sound like a bunch of babies... because whenever I have tried to explain it to people.. they just don't get it!  I get it.  It is so different here than I ever expected, I know why people don't get it.  It's hard- there's just a few people who really get it.  I have a friend who lives here who is in the states for a little while.  Hearing her tell how difficult it is even trying to explain to her family.. I'm just nervous about that.
 And I'm nervous because people are so quick to make judgments on things. I don't feel like I've done anything amazing here... I know God brought me here and I know it has not been without purpose.  But I also know that there are so many other people who would've accomplished more, done better.. been what they should have been. I'm nervous about people pointing out things nad making me feel more guilty and more like a loser than I already do... which I'm sure is just pride.. but still.  It's not pleasant!
But, on the bright side,  I am SO excited about seeing people.  Being able to just... talk and feel comfortable.  And even just having something to talk about other than Bangladesh! ;)  I am so stoked about John's wedding and there's so much to look forward to.
We did get to go and see Limon, which was awesome.  He lives out in a village, in a pretty nice place and seems very well taken care of.  We were all really glad to see that and we had a really fun time with him and the other kids.  We were quite the sight there in a remote village! ;)
We are almost finished with our Bangla classes.  Which is exciting.  It has been a lot of work for a long time.  So now, to see we are so close to finishing, it's really cool.  I think we should be done by the time we leave. Go us! ;)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's finally been decided!  We are going HOME.  I am so excited.  I will be randomly be doing something and be like, "HEY!  We are going to America!"
I know the next month is just going to fly by.  Now it seems like there's a lot to do.  A lot of things to take advantage of while I'm here.
It is sad moving on- sad seeing the end of something.  But I am really excited about what God has next for me.  Even though this time has been really difficult, I am thankful God brought me here for this year.  It has changed me, changed my perspective and increased my faith in God.  I am so excited because He has been so true to His word and all His promises.  I am excited for where He leads next and confident that He will always provide.
That being said- I still don't know where I will be living in the States.  But I know God will show me where  I should be.  So yeah- I'm just excited. :D