Monday, July 9, 2012

"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."

He that goeth forth bearing precious seed,

shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,

bringing his sheaves with him."

~Psalm 126:5-6

      Wow.  what an amazing promise.  I was so impressed by theses verses this morning.  I love the word doubtless.  It is so absolute.  If we go out bearing the precious seed (God's Word) we shall doubtless come again rejoicing...  And the promise of absolute fruitfulness:  "bringing in the sheaves".  After these last few months of ministry... and seeing so little "results"... it is sometimes so discouraging.  Especially when I begin to examine my own motivations/attitudes.  When it comes right down to it, and I am honest with myself, I have to ask myself, "Have I really changed at all?"  More often than not my heart is so far from it.  I have to wonder if I would go out "bearing the precious seed" if it weren't for the requirements of the training program.  Sure.  It is easier for me to go out.  I can hand out a tract a little more comfortably than before.  You can get used to anything (even door-to-door :P).  But, what about my heart?  Am I truly seeking to obey and please the Lord in this?  I think of what David said when he spoke of God desiring truth "in the inward parts".  I hope that is my desire too.  Not just an outward act of duty.  But a heart that sincerely desires to please Him in whatever way He chooses.  I am thankful that His Word accomplishes the purpose that He sends it to.  I am thankful He works despite me.  I am thankful that He is gracious enough to promise that He who goes out... bearing the precious seed... will doubtless come again with rejoicing.... bringing in the sheaves.  I am not gonna lie.  I especially like that part about coming back with rejoicing.  That does sound nice.

P.S.  It is rather unfortunate that the only song that I know of that has this verse in it is really, really annoying... someone should rewrite it.

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