Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wow.  It's actually been a long time since I've been on here!
Not sure why... I'm thinking back over the last couple weeks and it doesn't seem like much has happened.  But if that's true why am I so busy? Mentally, physically...emotionally?  And seems to be getting crazier. :)
If you asked me how I'm going right now... Well, I'd probably give you a blank stare and rattle off, "Oh.... I'm doing good!"  But. really.  I don't even know how I'm doing!  Who has time to figure that out! haha
One thing I know is this - it's getting to be really lonely around here.  As the newness/excitement has worn off... it just gets less and less fun being alone.  Even coffee is less appealing when you don't have anyone to enjoy it with!  And, coming from me, that's saying a lot.
Thankfully I am pretty much busy from 6am to 6pm.  It's those few hours I have off or the weekends that I realize I need someone to meet me at  Starbucks.  Gosh. Someone just to laugh with!!  I don't laugh much anymore..  Mostly I just opt for going running at night.  Of course it's dark and cold outside so the gym is my next best option.
They know me by name down there.  They think I don't have a life... NO clue why! haha
And so... this is life right now.  It's all okay.
Today has been bad.  *deep breath* Literally a screaming, crabby, irritable baby from the moment he got up.  It's been rough, and I'm exhausted.
And this is why I don't post very often.  Who wants to read about loneliness and screaming children? ;)

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