Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Today is a hartal day, so- as far as I understand it- it's like a day where different political groups call strike days where it's kind of dangerous to be out. They do "demonstrations" like burning buses or throwing rocks at people.  So it's safest to stay indoors, especially for foreigners as we draw a lot of attention.  So anyways.  Here we are stuck indoors for a couple days.
Yesterday we went to KFC and has American food.  Oh yes.  It was so good.
Then we went to the beach.  I tried to do some of my homework on the beach.  But when you have a bunch or people curiously peeking right over your shoulder... it's kind of difficult!  So I opted to go swimming instead and- oh my goodness- the waves were amazingly terrifying!  We had so much fun.  With the exception of our clothes tearing like crazy. :-/
Then we went on a big shopping expedition for material for clothes. Suranjit came with us and helped us get good prices which was so wonderful.  It's so difficult not knowing how to do anything here.  Here you don't look at the price of something and then decide if you want it. No. You find what you want, then they tell you the price and then you bargain with them and then you decide if you want it.  It's such a pain- particularly when you don't speak Bangla.  It's SO stressful!
That's what's driving me crazy. Never knowing how things are supposed to go.  You go shopping and you don't know when to ask for the price, or how to ask for what you want, or if you can look through the stuff yourself, if you should wait for them, if you should sit down, what you want.  Then you're not sure what's considered appropriate to wear...
You go to someone's house and don't know if you should help yourself, if you should take your shoes off, how long you should stay, how much you should eat, when you should leave, how you should sit, how to say thank you.
You go out to dinner and your trying to figure out how to eat politely with your hands.  What different stuff is.  How to wash your hands.  Watching everyone around you to figure out something as simple as eating.
You walk down the road and don't know if you should greet people or if/how you should respond when men greet you.  It's just annoying. You are introduces to an older woman and don't know if it's appropriate to greet her first, but you don't want to be rude and not greet her if you should but you don't know.  And being respectful is very emphasized here. You never know what is appropriate.
Last night we went decided it would be fun to try going out for tea.  As we were walking into the shop mom asked Suranjit if it was okay for women to go in.  He says, "For Bangladeshi women... No.  Foreigner.. (uncertainly shakes his head) it's okay..."  Talk about uncomfortable!  We drank our tea.  Quickly.  Walked out and mom says, "I feel like I'm a whore!!"  And we totally did.  It was so embarrassing...
Anyways- that's what's difficult.  Trying not to be scandalous, but just never knowing if you are or aren't.  Oh the irony of my nickname from conference!  I should've walked into the shop and said, "It's SCANDY!!"  haha
And you'd think you could be home and relax but no.. you have to very careful about what you wear around the house.  You can't step outside on your veranda without being fully dressed complete with your orna (scarf).
That's what's so nice about going into an American place.. it's so refreshing.  It does make you really miss being comfortable in your own culture with your own people.  Living in a different culture is interesting and fun, but it's definitely exhausting and confusing at times. So-  I'm kinda actually enjoying being stuck inside. ;)


  1. Oh, Scandy;). I love reading your posts... What a world!

    1. haha... totally wrote that with you in mind dear! :)
