Saturday, October 19, 2013

There are 2 constant battles here- the heat and the mosquitoes.  I'm telling you- these guys are evil.  You don't feel them when they're biting you, but then it  is like the most painful/itchy bug bite I've ever had!  And they can bite right through your clothes.  They are bad enough that last night one bit my toe and it was itching bad enough that it woke me up.  They come in and then they hide in your clothes and under your bed and stuff so you never see them coming. We don't have mosquito nets hung yet- gosh. everything is such a pain here!  So tonight I decided to just try laying some mosquito netting over my bed like a sheet...haha- we'll see how it goes.  If you're not kept awake by the heat- it's the mosquitoes... or people turning lights on and then leaving them on... :-/
We've been busy lately.  We've actually met up with about 6 or 7 Americans lately.  That's been really nice.  One good friend lives in Dhaka but she was able to come spend the night with us.  And she brought some great coffee with her. :)  Great time chatting with another girl.  We have no girlfriends here... :(  But- I've met a few potentials!
We met one girl tonight who is here volunteering for the UN.  She reminded me so much of my dear friend Leah.. made me miss her!  Plus- even weirder- she's from Seattle.  So I told her I'd spent some time in that area and had some really close friends near Seattle.  I mentioned Snohomish and she told me her mom actually works for the Snohomish school!  So crazy.  It really is a small world!
She got to hike up to the base camp of Mt.  Everest.  I want to go so bad.  She was telling us how muchlike the Northwest it is.  Aaaand... it's really not all that expensive to get to Nepal!  60 dollars... but- I would need a visa/backpacking equipment/hiking partner.  Ah well- it's in my head now to go someday now.
And we are making our first visa run to India. It's kind of funny- I've wanted to go to India as far back as I can remember.  And now I am- for one night! know... whatever... ;) It's like a 12 hour bus ride- and we're just basically crossing the border, staying one night and coming home.  It's gonna be pretty boring.  Trips here are so ridiculously slow! But it might be nice to just kick back, listen to music- do some reading...  get out of Cox's Bazaar!
We were gonna go a little later but apparently there's a really big political thing going on.  They are expecting it to be really dangerous- worse than the hartals.  And that starts on the 24th.  So we want to get back before then for sure. So we are leaving tomorrow night.
Aaaand lately- I really miss wearing American clothes. haha ;)

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