Saturday, April 26, 2014

It's mostly just another hot day in Bangladesh.
If it wasn't so awful, it would be almost funny...  all of us sitting around with glistening faces.  Wearing shorts and rolled-up shirts, guzzling bottle after bottle of cold water...haha..  It's incredible. ;P
It's actually a pretty nice day.  Dad left for Dhaka this morning to visit the guys who he recently baptized, so we don't have Bangla class today.  The house is clean, the electricity is on and I'm sipping a homemade mocha.  So yeah, it's good.
We had a really nice trip to India.  I am always amazed at how different it is!  You notice an immediate difference in how wealthy it is.  Nobody asked me for money the entire time I was there.  People don't stare nearly as much, they don't drive by and scream at you.  The food's significantly better. There's women driving cars and mopeds and wearing western clothing. People in general are just more polite and well, civilized. You don't see poor people.  It's cleaner. It's not nearly as humid.  The roads are emptier and they have traffic rules.  It just always amazes me!  And it's a really nice retreat.  Plus, there's AC and hot showers and that's hard to beat!
We were able to stay 2 days this time.  That was great.  We got to drive about an hour outside of Argatala and see a palace built in the middle of the lake. That was so cool.  And we drove through tea gardens and was just really beautiful.  So, our visas are done for another 3 months I guess.
We've had another YWAM team visiting, so we've got to hang out with them a little bit.  Which is great- hanging out with people you can actually talk to. We played volleyball with them yesterday and then went over to their hotel for games. They're leaving tomorrow though, so it's back down to us.
I miss home so much.  Seriously... I feel soooo ready to be home.  I'm really, really hoping we can go back this summer.  I think that would be really good for us.  Plus, I can't imagine not being there for John's wedding.  It just makes sense to me, but I'm not God, so I guess I don't really know.. ;)  But that would be awesome.  Like I said I am SO ready to be home. :-/

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