Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wow... so crazy to think how quickly the last few months have just flown by.  Here we are finishing up our 19th week of the training program. Only 7 more to go.  I'm not gonna lie.  While the training program has been amazingly incredible, and a real time of growth and learning.  I am getting.  Tired.  It's kind of like the last few miles of a long run.  You only have a little bit more to go.  You can see the end.  But you're tired and it's really hard to give it your all.  But at the same time, there is no way you're going to quit.  You just have to finish.  So here I am.  Trying really hard to give these last few weeks my all.  And.... not doing all that well. :)  So.  I am super thankful for my time in the program, but I am looking forward to the next season of life.  I think... haha...  I'm not really sure what that might end up being.  It is a little bit scary coming to the end.  When you're in the training it seems like your doing really well spiritually.  But, I have to ask myself, "Am I being diligent and faithful in reading the Word everyday just because it's required?  Will I ever go door-to-door or hand someone a tract ever again if I'm not forced to?  How often would I attend prayer meetings and extra Bible studies if I had the option to stay home?"  I don't really know.  So I see that while the Lord has definitely grown me through this time... there is still soooo much more that needs to change.  More and more I feel like a child.  Seriously.  And it doesn't help that someone thought I was fifteen the other day! haha....  I am just thankful that, even though I can see a lot of my weaknesses and failures, He is faithful to finish the work... and that His strength is made perfect in weakness.  I don't think I really understand that yes.  When I am weak I feel... weak.  Not strong.  Kind-of makes me wonder how much I really do look to myself and my own abilities instead of the Lord...?

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